Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Blog » Dua For The Dead
dua for the dead person

Dua For The Dead

by zOrca

Dua For The Dead

Death is an inescapable reality that every human being must inevitably face. In the Islamic faith, death marks the transition from one’s worldly existence to the everlasting afterlife. As loved ones leave this world behind, prayers for the deceased play a vital role in their journey towards eternal peace. Duas or supplications offer spiritual benefits and peace for the deceased while serving as a source of solace and comfort for the bereaved.

In this blog post, we delve into the importance of offering Islamic duas for the dead. These poignant prayers provide an opportunity for the living to continue offering spiritual support and revering the memory of their departed loved ones. Drawing from Quranic verses and Prophetic teachings, we explore a selection of heartfelt prayers that you can recite for the dearly departed.

Whether you’re grappling with a recent loss, remembering a dear friend or family member, or simply want to learn more about these intimate, powerful invocations, this blog post serves as a guide to deepening your understanding of Islamic duas for the dead. Through embracing this time-honored tradition of supplication, and offering dua for the dead, we hope to provide comfort, solace, and a renewed sense of faith in the divine plan and the ever-after.


Here is a dua that was recited by the Prophet SAW:

اللهمّ اغْفِرْ له وَارْحَمْهُ، وَاعْفُ عنْه وَعَافِهِ، وَأَكْرِمْ نُزُلَهُ، وَوَسِّعْ مُدْخَلَهُ، وَاغْسِلْهُ بمَاءٍ وَثَلْجٍ وَبَرَدٍ، وَنَقِّهِ مِنَ الخَطَايَا كما يُنَقَّى الثَّوْبُ الأبْيَضُ مِنَ الدَّنَسِ، وَأَبْدِلْهُ دَارًا خَيْرًا مِن دَارِهِ، وَأَهْلًا خَيْرًا مِن أَهْلِهِ، وَزَوْجًا خَيْرًا مِن زَوْجِهِ، وَقِهِ فِتْنَةَ القَبْرِ وَعَذَابَ النَّارِ

Allahumma, ighfir lahu warhamhu, wa’fu ‘anhu wa ‘afihi, wa akrim nuzulahu, wa wasi’ mudkhalahu, wa ghsilhu bimaa’in wa thaljin wa baradin, wa naqqihi min al-khataaya kamaa yunaaqath-thawb al-abyadu minad-danas, wa abdilhu daaran khayran min darihi, wa ahlan khayran min ahlihi, wa zawjan khayran min zawjihi, wa qih fitnata al-qabri wa ‘adhaba an-naar.

O Allah, the Most Merciful and Forgiving, we humbly beseech You to forgive and have mercy on [desceased person’s name]. Grant them Your forgiveness and pardon their sins. Envelop them in Your boundless mercy and shower them with Your blessings. May their final resting place be a noble abode, more beautiful and serene than their earthly dwelling. Bless them with a righteous spouse and a loving family. Protect them from the trials of the grave and the torment of the Hellfire.

O Allah, purify them from their sins, just as a pure white garment is cleansed from impurities. Replace their current abode with a better home in Paradise, and surround them with righteous companions and loved ones. Shield them from the tribulations of the grave and the punishment of the Hellfire.

Below are other dua for the dead which can be used to pray for the deceased person:

Dua For The Dead


اللهم عبدك وابن أمتك احتاج إلى رحمتك، وأنت غني عن عذابه، فإن كان محسنا فزد في إحسانه، وإن كان مسيئا فتجاوز عنه،

Transliteration: “Allahumma ‘abduka wa ibn ‘ummatika ihtaja ila rahmatik, wa anta ghaniyun ‘an ‘adhabih, fa in kana muhsinan fazid fi ihsanih, wa in kana musi’an fatajawaz ‘anh.”

Translation: “Oh Allah, Your servant and child of Your nation is in need of Your mercy, and You are independent of his punishment. If he was a doer of good, then increase his good deeds, and if he was a wrongdoer, then overlook his sins.”


اللهمّ عامله بما أنت أهله، ولا تعامله بما هو أهله.

Allahumma aamilhu bima anta ahluhu, wa la ta’amalhu bima huwa ahluhu.

O Allah, treat them according to Your mercy and do not treat them based on their deeds.

Dua For The Deceased


للهمّ اجزه عن الإحسان إحساناً، وعن الإساءة عفواً وغفراناً.

Allahumma ijzah an al-ihsan ihsanan, wa ‘an al-isaa’ah ‘afwan wa ghufraanan.

O Allah, reward them for their goodness with even more goodness, and forgive them for any wrongdoings.


اللهم عبدك وابن أمتك احتاج إلى رحمتك، وأنت غني عن عذابه، فإن كان محسنا فزد في إحسانه، وإن كان مسيئا فتجاوز عنه،

Allahumma in kana muhsinan fazid min hasanatihi, wa in kana musi’an fatajawaz ‘an sayyatihi.

O Allah, if they have done good, increase their good deeds, and if they have done wrong, overlook their mistakes.

Dua For The Dead


اللهمّ أدخله الجنّة من غير مناقشة حساب، ولا سابقة عذاب.

Allahumma adkhalhu al-jannah min ghayr munaqashatin hisaab, wa la saabiqatan ‘adhab.

O Allah, admit them into Jannah without any reckoning or prior punishment.


اللهمّ آنسه في وحدته، وفي وحشته، وفي غربته

Allahumma ansihu fi wahdathihi, wa fi wahshatihi, wa fi ghorbatihi.

O Allah, comfort them in their solitude, loneliness, and in their moments of distress.


اللهمّ أنزله منزلاً مباركاً، وأنت خير المنزلين.

Allahumma anzilhu munzalan mubarakan, wa anta khayrul munzileen.

O Allah, bless them with a blessed dwelling, for You are the best of those who provide dwellings.

Dua for the dead


اللهمّ أنزله منازل الصدّيقين، والشّهداء، والصّالحين، وحسُن أولئك رفيقاً

Allahumma anzilhu manazila as-siddiqeen, wa ash-shuhada’, wa as-saliheen, wa hassun ulaika rafeeqa.

O Allah, grant them a place among the righteous, martyrs, and the pious, and make them among the best companions.


اللهمّ اجعل قبره روضةً من رياض الجنّة، ولا تجعله حفرةً من حفر النّار.

Allahumma ij’al qabruhu rawdhatan min riyaad il-jannah, wa la taj’alhu hufratan min hufar in-naar

O Allah, make their grave a garden from the gardens of Jannah, and do not make it a pit from the pits of Hellfire.”

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