Saturday, October 5, 2024
Blog ยป The story of the Owners of the Garden

The story of the Owners of the Garden

by MD

The story of the Owners of the Garden as mentioned in the Quran:

The story of Ashab al-Jannah, or the Owners of the Garden, is mentioned in the Quran in Surah Al-Qalam, verses 17-33.

In the story mentioned in Surah Qalam, Chapter 68 of the Holy Quran, there was a wealthy and pious man who owned a large garden abundant with fruit-bearing trees. After harvesting the fruits, he would generously distribute a portion to the poor who would gather at the garden to receive their share. This act of charity pleased Allah (SWT), and as a result, the garden consistently yielded a bountiful harvest.

During multiple seasons, regardless of how much fruit he had, he would give the first portion of his crops to the poor and needy and only keep what remained for his family. This generous act became well-known, and the poor eagerly waited for the harvest season.

The man had three sons who inherited the orchard after his death. However, unlike their father, they were not pious or generous. They resented the idea of sharing their wealth with the poor and decided to bar them from the orchard during harvest time.

To ensure that the poor would have no access to the fruits, the brothers made a secret plan to pluck the fruits in the early morning without leaving anything for the needy.

Allah (SWT) tested the brothers just as He had tested people in the past. One of the brothers had doubts about the plan but did not speak up strongly enough. He followed his brothers to the orchard, even though it went against his conscience.

The brothers did not show gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon them by Allah (SWT). They believed that their success was solely due to their own efforts, disregarding the power of Allah (SWT). Despite the abundance of their crops, their greed and discontentment pushed them towards stinginess and a love for material possessions.

One night, Allah (SWT) caused a fire to engulf the garden while the brothers were asleep. When morning came, the brothers went to the orchard, unaware of the disaster that had taken place. To their shock, they found the entire orchard reduced to ashes. Their plan had backfired, and they lost not only the opportunity to share with the poor but also their entire harvest.

Realizing their mistake, the brothers immediately felt remorse and acknowledged their wrongdoing. They recognized their arrogance and wrongdoings, blaming themselves for their actions. They understood that they had transgressed against Allah (SWT) and wished they had sought His will by saying โ€œInsha Allah (SWT).โ€

In repentance, the brothers turned to Allah (SWT), hoping for forgiveness and a better garden in the future. They understood that the punishment they faced in this world was minor compared to the consequences in the Hereafter.

This story serves as a lesson about the importance of gratitude, generosity, and relying on Allah (SWT)โ€™s blessings. It teaches us to always remember Allah (SWT)โ€™s will in our plans and to share our blessings with those in need.


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