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Istikhara Dua for marriage

Istikhara Dua for marriage

by zOrca

In the Affectionate Embrace of Allah, The Most Merciful, and The Most Compassionate,

Assalamu Alaikum, my beloved brothers and sisters in Islam. Today, let us journey into the realm of Istikhara, a beautiful practice bequeathed upon us by our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is a guiding light for us, especially when we embark upon the solemn decision of marriage.

Marriage is indeed a magnificent union, a sign amongst the numerous divine signs approved by Allah (SWT). As Muslims, it is a significant event in our lives, it is a Sunnah, and it should be honored, cherished, and approached with wisdom. When deciding on marriage, we may find ourselves standing at the crossroads of decision, unsure which path is the most beneficial for our Dunya And Akhirah. At such times, the practice of Istikhara brings us solace and divine guidance.

Istikhara is a supplication and a form of worship where we seek Allah’s wisdom and assistance in making decisions. The Istikhara prayer is a two rak’ah voluntary prayer performed followed by the dua of Istikhara in any language you are comfortable with.

 Istikhara Dua for Marriage:

“اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْتَخِيرُكَ بِعِلْمِكَ وَأَسْتَقْدِرُكَ بِقُدْرَتِكَ وَأَسْأَلُكَ مِنْ فَضْلِكَ الْعَظِيمِ ، فَإِنَّكَ تَقْدِرُ وَلَا أَقْدِرُ ، وَتَعْلَمُ وَلَا أَعْلَمُ ، وَأَنْتَ عَلَّامُ الْغُيُوبِ اللَّهُمَّ إِنْ كُنْتَ تَعْلَمُ أَنَّ هَذَا الْأَمْرَ خَيْرٌ لِي فِي دِينِي وَمَعَاشِي وَعَاقِبَةِ أَمْرِي فَاقْدُرْهُ لِي وَيَسِّرْهُ لِي ثُمَّ بَارِكْ لِي فِيهِ ، وَإِنْ كُنْتَ تَعْلَمُ أَنَّ هَذَا الْأَمْرَ شَرٌّ لِي فِي دِينِي وَمَعَاشِي وَعَاقِبَةِ أَمْرِي فَاصْرِفْهُ عَنِّي وَاصْرِفْنِي عَنْهُ وَاقْدُرْ لِي الْخَيْرَ حَيْثُ كَانَ ثُمَّ أَرْضِنِي بِهِ “


“Allahumma inni astakhiruka bi’ilmika wa astaqdiruka bi-qudratika. A’udhu bi Rahmatika min GhalaBati Nafsi, wa Taqallubi hali, wa fitnaTI asHHabi wa thanaa’i a’adaa’i. Fa innaaka Taqdiru walaa aqdiru, wa Ta’lamu walaa a’lamu, wa Annta A’lamul ghuyub. Allahumma fa in kunta ta’lamu anna haadhal-amr khayrun liy fi deeni wa ma’aashi wa’aqibati amri ‘Aajilihi wa aajilih, faqdurhuu liy wa yassirhu liy thumma baarik liy fiih. Wa in kunta ta’lamu anna haadhal-amr sharrun liy fi deeni wa ma’aashi wa’aqibati amri ‘Aajilihi wa aajilih, fasrifhu ‘Annii wasrifnii ‘Anhu waqdur liyal-khayra haythu kaana thumma ardhiniy bih.”


“O Allah, I ask Your choice by Your Knowledge, and Your ability by Your Power, and I ask You for Your great Bounty. For You are capable and I am not capable, You know and I do not know, and You are the Knower of hidden things. O Allah, if You know that this matter (mention the matter here) is good for me in my religion, my livelihood and the end of my affairs (or say: in my present and future affairs) then decree it for me, facilitate it for me, and bless it for me. But if You know that this matter (mention the matter here) is bad for me in my religion, my livelihood and the end of my affairs (or say: in my present and future affairs), then turn it away from me and turn me away from it, and decree goodness for me wherever it may be, and make me content with it.”

Invoke this prayer with abundant faith, entrusting your affairs to Allah (SWT). Bring to mind the proposal you are contemplating and seek Allah’s guidance. Istikhara is a means of seeking guidance, and remember, Allah’s guidance is the best guidance.

On this blessed journey towards matrimony, may we always remember to seek guidance from the One who knows what we know not, and is the best of all planners. Remember dear brothers and sisters, that Istikhara is not an act of magic but a divine tool of reassurance – leaving the decision in the hands of the All-Wise, All-Knowing Creator.

May Allah guide us all to what is best for us in this life and the next. Ameen. Remember, “And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him.” [Al-Talaq: 3].

How to perform Istikhara Prayer 

  1. Perform Wudu : Cleanliness is integral to all aspects of worship in Islam. You should start the process of Istikhara by performing wudu, and washing parts of the body using water.

  2. Pray Two Rak’ahs (units): Begin by performing two units of non-obligatory prayer, or Nafl Salah.

  3. Engage in Dhikr of Allah: Engage in Dhikr, or remembrance of Allah. You can say “Allahu Akbar” or any other phrases praising Allah.

  4. Dua-e-Istikhara: Conclude this process by reciting the Istikhara Dua. This is a well-known invocation in Arabic that directly translates into seeking the good from Allah and asking for His guidance and wisdom.

  5. Consider praying istikhara once again: If you’re still unsure about a decision after performing Istikhara once, scholars recommend that you perform it again for up to 7 days or until you feel clarity.

Guidance on how to interpret the Results of Istikhara

After performing the Istikhara prayer and supplication, watch for signs in your feelings and circumstances. The guidance you seek may come from subtle shifts in your circumstances or clarity in your thoughts and feelings about the decision.

Remember, Istikhara isn’t about expecting a clear yes or no answer but paying attention to how Allah guides your decisions and eases your path after asking for His wisdom.

As for interpreting the results, Dr. Bilal Philips, a prominent Islamic scholar, provides useful guidance. He states that the believer, after performing Istikhara, should carry on with the matter he was unsure about, as if he has been guided towards it. If it is good for the believer, Allah will make it easy and create a love in his heart for it, and if it isn’t, Allah will turn him away from it, making the matter difficult and creating a dislike in his heart towards it.

Therefore, the key is to focus on the changing circumstances and how your feelings about the issue in question evolve. Trust in Allah’s Wisdom, for He knows while you know not. Be confident in His plan, for He guides you in ways that may not always be apparent, but are always in your best interest.

Remember, the journey to Allah’s guidance often lies not in a single dream or sign, but in a patient and consistent turn towards Him, seeking His counsel in all our affairs through approaches such as the prayer of Istikhara.

May we always remember to seek Allah’s wisdom and counsel in our lives and May Allah grace you with His utmost guidance and make your paths clear and straightforward.

Dua For Marriage Guidance

The following duas are not specifically mentioned in Sunnah or Quran, and are included here for reference. 

Dua 1
.اللهمّ إنّي أريد أن أتزوّج فقدّر لي من الرّجال أعفّهم فرجًا، واحفظهم لي في نفسي ومالي.

Transliteration:”Allahumma inni ureedu an atazawwaja, faqaddir li minar-rijal a’af-fahum farjan, wahfazhum li fi nafsi wa mali.”
Translation: “O Allah! I intend to marry, so decree for me from amongst men someone who is most chaste, and preserve them for me in my health and wealth.”

Dua 2
اللهم قدّر لي ولدًا طيّبًا، تجعل له خلقًا صالحًا في حياتي ومماتي.

Transliteration:”Allahumma qaddir li waladan tayyiban, taj’al lahoo khulqan salihan fi hayati wa mamati.”
Translation: “O Allah, bless me with a good child, grant them righteous character in my life and death.”

Dua 3
اللهمّ زوّجني رجلًا صالحًا تقرّ به عيني، وتقرّ بي عينه، يا ذا الجلال والإكرام.

Transliteration: “Allahumma zawwijni rajulan salihan taqarra bihi ainy, wa taqarra biya aynuhu, Ya dhal-jalali wal-Ikram.”
Translation: “O Allah, marry me to a righteous man whom I will be pleased with, and he will be pleased with me, O Possessor of Majesty and Honor.” Note: Please use the appropriate gender when making these du’as (i.e., switch ‘man’ to ‘woman’ if you’re a man seeking a wife).

Dua 4
للهمّ ارزقني الزّوج الّذي يخافك، برحمتك يا أرحم الرّاحمين.

Transliteration: “Allahumma arzuqni az-zawja alladhee yakhaafuka, bi rahmatika Ya Arhamar-rahimeen.”
Translation: “O Allah, grant me a spouse who fears You, by Your mercy O the Most Merciful of the merciful.”

Dua 5
اللهمّ ارزقني بزوجٍ صالح، تقيّ، هنيّ، عاشقٍ لله ورسوله.

Transliteration: “Allahumma arzuqni bi zawjin salih, taqiyy, haniyy, ‘aashiqin lillahi wa rasulihi.”
Translation: “O Allah, bless me with a righteous, pious, content spouse who is a lover of Allah and His messenger.”

Dua 6
اللهم ياجامع الناس ليوم لاريب فيه، اجمع بيني وبين زوج غني بدينه وأخلاقه وماله.

Transliteration: “Allahumma Ya-jami’an-naasi li-yawmin la rayba feehi, ijm’a bayni wa bayna zawji ghaniyy bideenihi wa akhlaqihi wa malihi.”
Translation: “O Allah, Gatherer of people for a Day in which there is no doubt, unite me and my spouse enriched by his/her religion, morals, and wealth.”

Once again, remember to adjust these prayers according to gender when asking Allah s.w.t to bless you with a suitable spouse. We will continue this journey, understanding and translating more of these profoundly beautiful supplications in my next message, Insha’Allah. This is to ensure we give each supplication the respect and reverence it merits.

More sources:

Istikhara: A Prayer for Guidance, by Dr. Bilal Philips
Istikhara: How to and Why?, by Sheikh Ahmad Kutty Source reference:, )

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