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dua for sahoor

Dua For Sahoor and Best Practices

by MD

Sahoor | A meal for Nourishing The Soul & Body

In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful and Compassionate, we discuss an essential topic for Muslims seeking to deepen their spiritual connection during Ramadan – making the most of the pre-dawn meal, Suhoor.

Indeed, Suhoor is a blessing granted by Allah, which provides both spiritual and physical sustenance to the fast observer. Our beloved Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) said, “Eat Suhoor, for indeed there is a blessing in it.” (Bukhari & Muslim)

Dua For Sahoor & Best Practices

Now let’s explore some best Islamic practices we can engage in during this blessed time to attain maximum rewards from Allah and to promote our health and well-being throughout the day.

In the quiet hours of the dawn before Fajr, Muslims worldwide partake in Suhoor, the pre-dawn meal we eat before beginning our fast. It is a serene time, where we can enjoy the tranquil moments before the day’s challenges. It is also a meaningful time to raise our hands to Allah s.w.t., supplicating Him to bestow us with spiritual and physical strength.

Dua For Sahoor | Is there a Dua For Sahoor?

In the great wisdom of Islam, there isn’t a specific dua (supplication) that the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) taught us for Suhoor. However, he emphasized the blessings of this meal by saying, “Take Suhoor, for indeed there is a blessing in it.” (Bukhari)

Thereby, it is highly recommended to make dua and engage in the remembrance of Allah s.w.t during this blessed time. It might include asking for His mercy, seeking His forgiveness, and requesting guidance and strength for the day ahead.

Dua For Sahoor & Best Practices

1. Rise Early For Suhoor

Integrating the Sunnah of delaying the Suhoor is a practice recommended by the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him). The blessings and barakah descend upon us, especially during the last portion of the night, allowing us to be in a state of remembrance and connect with Allah before dawn strikes and Fajr begins.

2. Engage in The Remembrance of Allah

While it’s important to nourish the body in preparation for fasting, nourishing the soul is equally important. Use this quiet time to engage in Dua, Dhikr, and the reading of Qur’an, turning your attention towards Allah. Praise His glory, ask for His forgiveness, seek His blessings, and submit your day to His guidance.

3. Consume a Balanced Meal

Focus on preparing a balanced Suhoor, including all major food groups: proteins, carbs, and fats with a heavy emphasis on fruits, vegetables, and fluids. These foods provide energy and keep you hydrated for the day ahead.

4. Pray at least Two Rakkas of The Tahajjud Prayer

In the last third of the night, there’s a highly spiritual time when Allah descends to the lowest heaven, extending His mercy and forgiveness. Seize this time to pray Tahajjud, immerse yourself in supplication, and ask for Allah’s mercy.

According to one of the hadiths of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Allah s.w.t. descends to the lowest heaven during this heavenly portion of the night. Sahih Al-Bukhari reports in Hadith Qudsi:

“In the last third of every night, our Rabb (Cherisher and Sustainer), the Blessed, the Superior, descends to the nearest heaven and says: “Is anyone invoking Me that I may respond to his invocation? Is there anyone asking of Me that I may grant him his request? Is anyone seeking My forgiveness, that I may forgive him?”

This hadith signifies that during these sacred hours, the boundary between the heavens and earth is adorned with a divine closeness. It is a time characterized by divine acceptance of dua, divine forgiveness of our sins, and divine response to our needs

5. Make Your Intentions Known To Allah

Before the break of dawn and the start of your fast, make your intention known to Allah. The Prophet taught us a simple phrase to set our intention: “وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَوَيْتُ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ” (Translation: I intend to keep the fast for tomorrow in the month of Ramadan.)

Practicing these tips during Suhoor can add spiritual depth and physical comfort to our fasts. Let us not forget the significance of these moments before dawn, let us savor them in deep communion with our Creator, seeking His pleasure and mercy.

May Allah accept our fasts, our meals, our silent conversations with Him during Suhoor, and make us amongst the ones who witness the blessings of this holy month. Ameen.

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