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Blog » Dua for breaking fast

Dua for breaking fast

by MD

Power of Dua for Breaking Fast: Strengthening Our Connection with Allah (SWT)

The holy month of Ramadan is a time of self-reflection, spiritual growth, and increased devotion for Muslims around the world. Fasting from sunrise to sunset is one of the core practices during this blessed month. However, equally important is the act of breaking the fast, which holds a special significance in Islam. Breaking the fast not only nourishes the body but also provides an opportunity for believers to connect with Allah (SWT) and seek His blessings. One of the beautiful aspects of this ritual is the supplication (dua) made at the time of breaking the fast. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of dua for breaking fast and its spiritual significance in our lives.

The Significance of Breaking the Fast

Breaking the fast holds immense spiritual significance for Muslims. It is an act of obedience to the commandments of Allah (SWT) and a demonstration of gratitude for the sustenance provided to us.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of breaking the fast promptly after sunset, and doing so with dates or water, as narrated by Abu Dawood. It is a moment of relief, gratitude, and anticipation for the food and blessings Allah (SWT) has bestowed upon us. Dua, or supplication, is a powerful and direct means of communication between us and Allah (SWT). It is an intimate conversation with our Creator, where we express our needs, desires, and seek His guidance. Making dua at the time of breaking the fast is a unique way to connect with Allah (SWT), seeking His blessings and forgiveness. It is a moment of reflection and submission, recognizing our dependence on Him for sustenance and mercy.

Dua for Breaking the Fast 1 

There is a specific dua that is commonly recited when breaking the fast, which goes as follows:

 “‏ ذَهَبَ الظَّمَأُ وَابْتَلَّتِ الْعُرُوقُ وَثَبَتَ الأَجْرُ إِنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ ‏ ‏.‏

Translation: Thirst has gone, the arteries are moist, and the reward is sure, if Allah (SWT) wills.

“Dhahaba ath-thama’u wabtallat al-‘urooqu wa thabata al-ajru in sha Allah (SWT)”

Dua for Breaking the Fast 2

اللَّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَعَلَى رِزْقِكَ أَفْطَرْتُ

Translation:”O Allah (SWT), I fasted for You and I break my fast with Your provision.”

“Allah (SWT)umma laka ṣumt, wa ‘alā rizqika aftart.”

This dua encompasses the essence of fasting, belief in Allah (SWT), and gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon us. By reciting it with sincerity and reflection, we acknowledge our dedication to Allah (SWT) and seek His acceptance of our fast.

In the act of making dua (supplication) to Allah (SWT) is a powerful and direct way of communicating with Him. It is a spiritual practice that is encouraged throughout the year, but especially during the holy month of Ramadan. One of the most significant times for making dua during Ramadan is at the time of breaking the fast, known in Arabic as ‘Iftar’. This is the moment when Muslims break their fast, usually with dates and water, and it is considered a time of heightened spiritual connection with Allah (SWT).

 When Breaking Fast | A Time of Dua Acceptance

Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of making dua at all times, but particularly during fasting and prayer. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught that there are three times when dua is especially likely to be accepted, one of which is the time of breaking fast. It is believed that at this time, the supplicant is in a state of humility, hunger, and gratitude, and thus more likely to be sincere and focused in their dua.

Moreover, this time is also when Allah (SWT) Himself accepts the supplications of His servants. In a hadith narrated by Abu Dawud, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “There are three people whose supplication is not rejected: the fasting person when he breaks his fast, the just ruler, and the supplication of the oppressed person; Allah (SWT) lifts it up above the clouds and opens the gates of heaven to it. And the Lord says: By My might, I shall assist you, even if it should be after a while.” This hadith highlights the great value and importance of making dua at the time of breaking fast, as it is a moment of acceptance and great spiritual reward.

Muslims are therefore encouraged to use this time wisely and make dua with sincerity and humility. We should take advantage of this special moment and seek Allah (SWT)’s forgiveness, blessings, guidance, and protection. We should also pray for their loved ones, the community, and the entire Ummah (Muslim nation) as a whole.

Muslims are encouraged to make the most of this time by fervently praying and supplicating to Allah (SWT), with deep sincerity and focus. By doing so, they can attain great spiritual rewards, as well as strengthen their connection with Allah (SWT) and gain His blessings.

Tips for Enhancing the Impact of Dua for Breaking the Fast

  1. Intention: Before breaking the fast, reinforce your intention to please Allah (SWT) and seek His forgiveness. Renew your commitment to follow the principles of Islam and strive for self-improvement.
  2. Presence of Mind: Take a moment of silence and concentrate on the dua. Reflect on the significance of breaking the fast and the blessings received from Allah (SWT). Clear your mind of distractions and be fully present in this spiritual moment.
  3. Gratitude: Express sincere gratitude to Allah (SWT) for providing sustenance and enabling you to complete the fast. Recognize the countless blessings and express your appreciation for His mercy and kindness.
  4. Consistency: Make it a habit to recite the dua every time you break your fast. Consistency strengthens our connection with Allah (SWT) and increases the spiritual impact of our supplications.

In the blessed month of Ramadan, breaking the fast is not just a physical act but a spiritual experience. The dua recited at this moment enables us to deepen our relationship with Allah (SWT), expressing our gratitude and seeking His blessings. Through this intimate communication, we acknowledge our dependence on Allah (SWT) and reinforce our commitment to follow His commands. By approaching the dua for breaking the fast with sincerity, mindfulness, and gratitude, we can truly reap the spiritual benefits of this profound practice.

As Ramadan unfolds, let us strive to make the most of this special time and strengthen our bond with Allah (SWT) through supplication, including the powerful dua for breaking the fast. May our fasting and prayers be accepted, and may this Ramadan be a source of immense blessings and spiritual growth for all believers.


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