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Blog » Dua For Deceased Person | Audio and Transliteration
Dua For Deceased Person

Dua For Deceased Person | Audio and Transliteration

by zOrca

Life, in all its beauty and pain, eventually leads us to the inevitable reality of the final farewell. Dealing with the loss of a loved one is an emotional journey that one can never truly be prepared for. It’s a part of life that we all hope to avoid, yet is a path we must all encounter in time. Despite the pain and the void that accompanies such a loss, we find strength in knowing that we can still reach out to our dear departed ones through our heartfelt prayers.

In this blog post, we turn our focus to a deeply comforting and spiritual aspect of Islam – the Dua for a deceased person. These are powerful supplications that can help provide solace, not just for the ones we’ve lost, but also for those of us left journeying through grief. We will be providing you with authentic Duas from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), along with their transliterations and translations, to help you remember, honor, and pray for your departed loved ones in the most meaningful way.

Dua For Deceased Person | Audio

Dua For Deceased Person | Arabic English Transliteration and Translation

اللهم ابدله دارا خيرا من داره واهلا خيرا من اهله وادخله الجنه واعذه من عذاب القبر ومن عذاب النار اللهم عامله بما انت اهله ولا تعامله بما هو اهله اللهم اجزه عن الاحسان احسانا وعن الاساءه عفوا وغفرانا اللهم ان كان محسنا فزد من حسناته وان كان مسيئا فتجاوز عن سيئاته اللهم ادخله الجنه من غير مناقشه حساب ولا سابقه عذاب

Mā abdilhu dārān khayran min dārih wa ahlan khayran min ahlih wa adkhilhul jannah wa a’idhhū min ‘adhābil qabri wa min ‘adhābin nār. Allahumma ‘āmilhū bimā anta ahluh wa lā ta’āmilhū bimā huwa ahlūh. Allahumma jazīh ‘anil iḥsān iḥsānan wa ‘anil isā’ah ‘afwan wa ghufrānan. Allahumma in kāna muḥsinan fazid min ḥasanātihi wa in kāna musi’an fatjāwaz ‘an sayyi’ātihi. Allahumma adkhilhul jannah min ghayri munāqishah ḥisābin walā sābiqati ‘adhāb.

Oh Allah, grant him a better home than his and a better family than his and admit him into Paradise and protect him from the punishment of the grave and the punishment of the Fire. Oh Allah, treat him according to what You deserve, not according to what he deserves. Oh Allah, reward him for good with good and for evil with pardon and forgiveness. If he has done good, increase his good deeds, and if he has done wrong, overlook his wrongdoings. Oh Allah, admit him into Paradise without having his accounts scrutinized nor preceding punishment.

اللهم انسه في وحدته وفي وحشته وفي غربته اللهم انزله منزلا مباركا وانت خير المنزلين اللهم انزله منازل الصديقين والشهداء والصالحين وحسن اولئك رفيقا اللهم اجعل قبره روضه من رياض الجنه ولا تجعلها حفره من حفر النار

Allahumma ansuh fī waḥdatihi wa fī waḥshatihi wa fī ghorbatihi. Allahumma anzilh manzilan mubārakan wa anta khayru al-munzilīn. Allahumma anzilh manāzil al-ṣiddīqīn wa al-shuhadā’i wa al-ṣāliḥīn wa ḥasuna ulā’ika rafīqa. Allahumma ij’al qabrah rawḍah min riyāḍil jannah wa lā taj’alha ḥufratan min ḥufran nār.

Oh Allah, comfort him in his solitude, in his fear, and in his estrangement. Oh Allah, provide him with a blessed abode, for You are the best of hosts. Admit him to the dwelling places of the truthful, the martyrs, and the righteous, and how excellent are these companions. Oh Allah, make his grave a garden from the gardens of Paradise, and do not make it a pit from the pits of Fire.

Dua For Deceased Person
اللهم افسح له في قبره مد بصره وافرش له قبره من فراش الجنه

Allahumma afsaḥ lahū fī qabrihi mad basarih wa afriš lahū qabrah min farāshil jannah.

Oh Allah, expand for him in his grave as far as the eye can see and furnish his grave from the furnishings of Paradise.

اللهم اعذه من عذاب القبر وجاف الارض عن جنبيه ها اللهم املا قبره بالرضا والنور والفسحه والسرور اللهم انه في ذمتك وحبل جوارك فقه فتنه القبر وعذاب النار وانت اهل الوفاء والحق فاغفر له وارحمه انك انت الغفور الرحيم

Allahumma ‘i’dhhū min ‘adhāb al-qabri wa jāf al-arḍa ‘an janibayhi. Allahumma imla’ qabrah bil riḍā wal nūr wal fusuḥah wa al-surūr. Allahumma innahu fī dhimmatika wa ḥablij wāraka faqih fitnata al-qabr wa ‘adhāb an-nār wa anta ahl al-wafā’ wa al-ḥaqq faghfir lahu wa arḥamhū innaka anta al-ghafūr al-raḥīm.

Oh Allah, protect him from the punishment of the grave and keep the earth off his sides. Oh Allah, fill his grave with contentment, light, spaciousness, and joy. He is in Your protection and Your cord. Save him from the trials of the grave and the punishment of the Fire. You are the Most Faithful and the Most Just, so forgive him and have mercy upon him, for You are the All-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.

اللهمّ إنّه عبدك وابن عبدك، خرج من الدّنيا، وسعتها، ومحبوبها، وأحبّائه فيها، إلى ظلمة القبر، وما هو لاقيه.

Allahumma innahu ‘abduka wa ibnu ‘abdik, kharaja mina al-dunyā, wa sa’atiha, wa maḥbūbiha, wa aḥibbā’ih fīhā, ilā ẓulmati al-qabr, wa mā huwa lāqīh.

Oh Allah, he is Your servant and the son of Your servant. He has left this world, its vastness, its loved ones, and those who loved him, into the darkness of the grave and what he is going to face.

اللهمّ إنّه كان يشهد أنّك لا إله إلّا أنت، وأنّ محمّدًا عبدك ورسولك، وأنت أعلم به.

Allahumma innahu kāna yashhadu anna lā ilāha illā ant, wa anna Muḥammadan ‘abduka wa rasūluka, wa anta a’lamu bih.

Oh Allah, he used to bear witness that there is no god but You and Muhammad is Your servant and Your messenger, and You know best regarding him.

اللهم انا نتوسل بك اليك ونقسم بك عليك ان ترحمه ولا تعذبه وانت ثبته عند السؤال

Allahumma innā natawassal bika ilayka wa naqsimu bika ‘alayka an taraḥmahu wa lā tu’adhdhibhu wa anta thabbituhu ‘inda al-su’āl

Oh Allah, we ask You on his behalf, beseeching and pleading with You, to have mercy on him, not to punish him, and to make him steadfast during questioning.

Dua For Deceased Person | Audio and Transliteration

Allahumma innahu nazala bika wa anta khairu manzuli bih wa asbaha faqiran ila rahmatik wa anta ghaniyyun ‘an ‘adhabihi,

Oh Allah, surely he sought refuge in You, and You are the best to seek refuge in. He has become in need of Your mercy while You are free from punishing him.

اللهم اته برحمتك ورضاك وقه فتنه القبر وعذابه و اته برحمتك الامن من عذابك حتي تبعثه الي جنتك يا ارحم الراحمين

Allahumma atihi bi-rahmatika wa ridaka wa qihi fitnata al-qabr wa ‘adhabihi wa atihi bi-rahmatika al-amni min ‘adhabin yuhiba tu’dhiruhu ila jannatika ya arham ar-rahimin

Allahumma atihi bi-rahmatika wa ridaka wa qihi fitnata al-qabr wa ‘adhabihi wa atihi bi-rahmatika al-amni min ‘adhabin yuhiba tu’dhiruhu ila jannatika ya arham ar-rahimin

اللهم انقله من مواطن الدود وضيق اللحود الي جنات الخلود اللهم احمه تحت الارض واستره يوم العرض ولا تخزه يوم يبعثون يوم لا ينفع مال ولا بنون الا من اتى الله بقلب سليم

Allahumma inqilhu min mawatin ad-dawd wa daiq al-lahud ila jannat al-khulud, Allahumma ahmihu tahta al-ard wa asturhu yawm al-‘ard wa la tukhzihu yawm yub’athun, yawm la yanfa’u malun wa la banun illa man ati Allah bi qalbin salim

Oh Allah, transfer him from the dwelling of insects and the constriction of the grave into the everlasting Gardens. Protect him beneath the earth and conceal him on the Day of Display, and do not humiliate him on the Day when they are raised, the Day when neither wealth nor offspring would avail, except for the one who comes to Allah with a pure heart.

اللهم يمن كتابه ويسر حسابه وثقل بالحسنات ميزانه وثبت على الصراط اقدامه واسكنه في اعلى الجنات بجوار حبيبك ومصطفاك

Allahumma yumn kutabahu wa yassir hisabahu wa thiqil bi-al-hasanati mizanahu wa thabbit ‘ala as-sirat aqdamahu wa askinhu fi a’la al-jannat bi-jawar habibika wa mustafak

Oh Allah, make his record of deeds favorable and ease his reckoning, make his scale heavy with good deeds, and make his steps firm on the Straight Path. Admit him to the highest levels of Paradise, close to Your beloved and chosen one (Prophet Muhammad).

اللهم امنه من فزع يوم القيامه ومن هول يوم القيامه واجعل نفسه امنه مطمئنه ولقنه حجته اللهم اجعله في بطن القبر مطمئن وعند قيام الاشهاد امن وبجود رضوانك واثق والي اعلي درجاتك سابقا

Allahumma aminhu min faza’ yaum al-qiamah wa min huwli yaum al-qiamah wa aj’al nafsahu aminatan mutma’innah wa laqqinhu hujjatahu Allahumma aj’alhu fi batni al-qabr mutma’inna wa ‘ind qiyami al-ashhad amin wa bijud ridauka wathiq wa ila a’li darajatik sabiq

Oh Allah, grant him security from the horrors and the overwhelming events of the Day of Resurrection, and bestow upon his soul tranquility and certainty. Teach him his argument and make him in the embrace of the grave, serene and secure, and in the company of the witnesses. Bestow upon him abundant certainty in Your approval, and grant him precedence to the highest ranks.

Dua For Deceased Person | Audio and Transliteration
اللهم اجعل عن يمينه نورا حتي تبعثه امن مطمئن في نور من نورك يا ارحم الراحمين

Allahumma a’atihi ‘an yameenihi nuran hatta tub’athahu aminan mutma’innan fi nurin min nuri yaa arham ar-rahimin

Oh Allah, bless him with light on his right side so that he may be raised secure and contented in light from Your light, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

اللهم انظر اليه نظره رضا فان من تنظر اليه نظره رضا لا تعذبه ابدا

Allahumma anzur ilaihi nazratan rida fain man tanazaru ilaihi nazratu rida la tu’adhibuhu abadan

Oh Allah, cast a glance of approval upon him, for whoever You gaze upon with approval will never be punished.

اللهم اسكنه فسيح الجنان واغفر له يارحمن وارحم يارحيم وتجاوز عما تعلم ياعليم

Allahumma askinha fuseeh al-jinan wa-ighfir lahu yarahman wa-arham yarahim wa-tajawaz ‘ama ta’lam ya’aleem

Oh Allah, provide him residence in the expanse of Paradise and forgive him, O Most Merciful, and have mercy, O Most Compassionate, and overlook what You know, O All-Knowing.

اللهم اعفو عنه فانك القائل ويعفو عن كثير

Allahumma a’fu ‘anh fa’innaka al-qail wa-y’afu ‘an katheer

Oh Allah, pardon him, for you have said, “And He pardons much.”

اللهمّ إنّه جاء ببابك، وأناخ بجنابك، فَجد عليه بعفوك، وإكرامك، وجود إحسان

Allahummah innahu jaa’ bibabik wa-anakh bijanabik fa-jid ‘alayhi bi’afwika wa-ikramika wa-jud ihsanik

Oh Allah, surely he came to Your door and clung to Your side, so bestow upon him Your forgiveness, Your honour, and Your generous benevolence.

اللهم ان رحمتك وسعت كل شيء فارحمه رحمه تطمئن بها نفسه وتقر بها عينه

Allahumma in rahamatika wasi’t kullu shay fa-arhamhu rahmatan tutmainu biha nafsihi wa-tuqarru biha ‘aynahu

Oh Allah, surely Your mercy encompasses everything, so bestow upon him a mercy that will bring tranquility to his soul and pleasure to his eyes.

اللهم احشره مع المتقين إلى الرحمن وَفداً، اللهــــم احشره مع أصحاب اليمين،واجعل تحيته سلام لك من اصحاب اليمين

Allahumma ihshurhu ma’ al-mutaqeen ila al-rahman wafdah, Allahummah ihshurhu ma’a ashab al-yamin, waj’al tahiyatuhu salamun lak min ashab al-yamin

Oh Allah, gather him with the cautious to The Most Merciful as a delegation, accumulate him with the companions of the Right Hand Side, and make his greeting ‘Peace be upon You’ from the companions of the Right Hand Side.

اللهم بشّره بقولك كلوا واشربوا هنيئا بما اسلفتم في الايام الخاليه اللهم اجعله من الذين سعدوا في الجنه خالدين فيها مادامت السموات والارض

Allahummah-bashshirh biqawlik, kuloo wa-ishraboo hani’an bima aslaftum feel-ayyami al-khaliyah, Allahummah-ij’alh min alladheena sa’ado fi al-jannah khalideena feeha ma’damat as-samawatu wa-al-ard

Oh Allah, give him the glad tidings of Your saying, “Eat and drink at ease for that which you have sent on before you in days past.” Oh Allah, make him among those who are happy in paradise, residing therein as long as the heavens and the earth endure.

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