Saturday, October 5, 2024
Blog » Dua for Driving
dua for driving

Dua for Driving

by MD
The Journey of Faith: Invoking Allah’s Protection With The Dua for Driving

With boundless mercy and wisdom, Allah, the Most Loving and Most Kind, has gifted us with His divine teachings. These teachings are like a compass, guiding us in every corner of our lives. When we step out every day, boarding our cars and vehicles, He blesses us with spiritual protection, bringing us calmness and safety. Today, we will learn more about the special prayer, or dua, which Allah has given us for when we are driving or traveling in any way.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) illuminated our path with a beautiful prayer to be recited when embarking on a journey. This dua not only applies to long travels, but also to the short commutes we undertake each day, such as driving to work, the grocery store, or a nearby park.

The dua for driving or setting off on a journey is as follows:

Dua For Any Form of Travel

بِسْمِ اللهِ، تَوَكّلْتُ عَلَى اللهِ، وَلا حَوْلَ وَلا قُوّةَ إِلّا بِالله


“Bismillahi, tawakaltu ‘ala Allahi, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah.”


“In the name of Allah, I rely on Allah, and there is no might or power except with Allah.”

By reciting this prayer, we remind ourselves of the immense power and protection of Allah. It reinforces the notion of Tawakkul, the Islamic principle of complete trust and reliance on Allah’s divine Plan, acknowledging that no strength or power exists outside His sovereign authority, even during simple things like driving.

This dua serves as a kind of spiritual seatbelt – no journey, no matter how short, should commence without it. Just as a physical seatbelt provides safety, this spritual ‘seatbelt’ shields us with divine security.

Dua For Any Form of Travel

In Soorah Az-Zukhruf, verse 13-14, Allah further instructs us:

سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي سَخَّرَ لَنَا هَٰذَا وَمَا كُنَّا لَهُ مُقْرِنِينَ وَإِنَّا إِلَىٰ رَبِّنَا لَمُنقَلِبُونَ


“Subhaanal-ladhee sakh-khara la-na haada, wa ma kunna lahu muqrineen, wa inna ila Rab-bina la-munqaliboon.”


“Glory be to Him who has brought this (vehicle) under our control, though we were unable to control it. Surely, to our Lord we are to return.”

Reciting this dua whilst driving, we not only get the spiritual satisfaction of fulfilling an Islamic duty, but also gain the serenity of placing ourselves under the constant care and protection of Allah.

Duas For Driving | Istiazah from fear and anxiety

يا الله أرجو منك أن تنزع الخوف والقلق من قلبي وتحفظني وتزيل العقبات من طريقي يا رحمن يا رحيم.

Ya Allah, arjoo minka an tanza’a al-khawf wa al-qalaq min qalbi, wa tahfadhanee wa tuzila al-aqabat min tareeqi, Ya Rahman Ya Raheem.

O Allah, I beseech You to expel fear and anxiety from my heart, and to protect me and remove obstacles from my path, O the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.

Dua for driving | Istiaza from accidents

يا رب أرجوك بكل اسم سميت به نفسك أو استأثرت به في علم الغيب لديك أن تنجني من الحوادث والمصائب وتحفظني من كل شر.

Ya Rabb, arjooka bi kulli ismin sammayta bihi nafsak aw-ista’tharta bihi fee ‘ilm al-ghaib ladayk, an tunjeenee min al-hawadith wal-masa’ib wa tahfadhanee min kulli shar.

O Lord, I beseech You by every name You have named Yourself or kept exclusively in Your unseen knowledge, that You save me from calamities and disasters, and protect me from all evil.

Dua For Driving | Dua for ease during driving

يا رب أرجو منك أن تحفظني خلال الطريق من كل أمر سيء يمكن أن يمسسني، اللهم سهل لي أمر قيادتي.

Ya Rabb, arjoo minka an tahfadhanee khilal at-tareeq min kulli amrin sayyi’in yamkunu an yamassanee, Allahumma sahhil li amra qiadatee.

O Lord, I beseech You to protect me on the road from any bad thing that might touch me, O Allah, simplify my matter of driving.

Dua For Driving | Keep away harm

اللهم أنت من رزقني هذا الرزق أسألك اللهم أن تسخر لي الطريق وتباعد بيني وبين شر الطريق، اللهم وفقني ويسر لي أمر يا عزيز يا جبار.

Allahumma anta man razaktanee hatha ar-razq, as’aluka Allahumma an tusakh-khira lee at-tareeq wa taba’ad baynee wa bayna shar at-tareeq, Allahumma waffiqanee wa yassir li amree, Ya ‘Azeez Ya Jabbaar.

O Allah, You are the One who provided me with this blessing. I ask You, O Allah, to make my journey easy and to keep me away from the harm of the road, O Allah grant me success and ease my matter, O Mighty, O Compeller.

May this special prayers bring peace to our journeys and infuse our travels with divine safety, reminding us always of our beautiful, servile relationship with our Creator. May we find comfort and reassurance in His supreme power, and may every journey we take, regardless of its length, bring us closer to Him. Ameen.

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